Seta, Michał; Meneses, E. A. L.;Durand, E.; Frisson, C. Sketching Pipelines for Ephemeral Immersive Spaces. Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (ACM-SIGGRAPH), 2023, Los Angeles, USA.
Brum, Leonardo A. Z.; Meneses, E. A. L.; Ordonez, E. D. M. PATRICIA: a real-time singing synthesizer prototype for the Brazilian Portuguese language. International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), 2023, Hong Kong.
Meneses, E. A. L.; Piquet, T.; Noble, J.; Wanderley, M. M. The Puara Framework: Hiding complexity and modularity for reproducibility and usability in NIMEs. International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), 2023, Mexico City, Mexico.
Boettcher, B.; Meneses, E. A. L.; Frisson, C; Wanderley, M. M.; Malloch, J. Addressing Barriers for Entry and Operation of a Distributed Signal Mapping Framework. International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), 2023, Mexico City, Mexico.
Meneses, E. A. L. Iterative Design in DMIs and AMIs: Expanding and embedding a high-level gesture vocabulary for the T-Stick and GuitarAMI. Ph.D. Thesis, McGill University, 2022, Montreal, Canada.
Calegario, F.; Tragtenberg, J.; Frisson, C.; Meneses, E. A. L.; Malloch, J.; Cusson, V.; Wanderley, M. M. Documentation and Replicability in the NIME Community. International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), 2021, Shanghai, China.
Wanderley, M. M.; West, T.; Rohs, J.; Meneses, E. A. L.; Frisson, C. The IDMIL Digital Audio Workbench: An Interactive Online Application for Teaching Digital Audio Concepts. Proceedings of the 16th International Audio Mostly Conference, 2021, Trento, Italy.
Fukuda, T.; Meneses, E. A. L.; West, T.; Wanderley, M. M. The T-Stick Music Creation Project: An approach to building a creative community around a DMI. International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), 2021, Shanghai, China.
Freire, S.; Santos, G.; Armondes, A.; Meneses, E. A. L.; Wanderley, M. M. Evaluation of Inertial Sensor Data by a Comparison with Optical Motion Capture Data of Guitar Strumming Gestures. Sensors 2020, 20, 5722.
Meneses, E. A. L.; Fukuda, T.; Wanderley, M. M. Expanding and Embedding a High-level Gesture Vocabulary for the Digital and Augmented Musical Instruments. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII), 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Calegario, F.; Tragtenberg, J.; Wang, J.; Franco, I.; Meneses, E. A. L.; Wanderley, M. M. Open Source DMIs: towards a replication certification for online shared projects of digital musical instruments. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII), 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Wang, J.; Meneses, E. A. L.; Wanderley, M. M. The Scalability of WiFi for Mobile Embedded Sensor Interfaces. International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), 2020, Birmingham, UK.
Calegario, F.; Wanderley, M. M.; Tragtenberg, J.; Wang, J.; Sullivan, J.; Meneses, E. A. L. Probatio 1.0: collaborative development of a toolkit for functional DMI prototypes. International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), 2020, Birmingham, UK.
Meneses, E. A. L.; Wang, J.; Freire, S.; Wanderley, M. M. A comparison of open-source Linux frameworks for an augmented musical instrument implementation. International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), 2019, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Meneses, E. A. L.; Freire, S.; Wanderley, M. M. GuitarAMI and GuiaRT: two independent yet complementary Augmented Nylon Guitar projects. International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), 2018, Blacksburg, USA.
Meneses, E. A. L.; Wanderley, M. M. New developments on the augmentation of a classical guitar: Addition of embedded sound synthesis and OSC communication over network. 16th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music (SBCM), 2017, São Paulo - Brazil.
Meneses, E. A. L. GuitarAMI: desenvolvimento, implementação e performance de um instrumento musical aumentado que explora possibilidades de modificação de características intrínsecas do violão. Masters Thesis, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), 2016, Campinas, Brazil.
Meneses, E. A. L.; Fornari, J.; Wanderley, M. M. GuitarAMI: Desenvolvimento, Implementação e Performance de um Instrumento Musical Aumentado. AES Brasil 14th Audio Engineering Congress, 2016, São Paulo, Brazil.
Meneses, E. A. L.; Fornari, J.; Wanderley, M. M. A Study with Hyperinstruments in Free Musical Improvisation. XI International Symposium on Cognition and Musical Arts (SIMCAM), 2015, Pirenópolis, Brazil.
Meneses, E. A. L.; Fornari, J. Educação musical através da improvisação livre com recursos computacionais: contribuições e desafios. XXV Congress of the National Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Music (ANPPOM), 2015, Vitória, Brazil.
Meneses, E. A. L.; Fornari, J. GuitarAMI: um Instrumento Musical Aumentado que Transpõe Restrições Intrínsecas do Violão. Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music (SBCM), 2015, Campinas, Brazil.
Meneses, E. A. L.; Fornari, J.; Wanderley, M. M. Projeto e Construção de uma Interface Gestual para Improvisação Livre. AES Brasil 13th Audio Engineering Congress, 2015, São Paulo, Brazil.
Meneses, E. A. L. Integra Live como Interface Visual do Pure Data para Síntese e Manipulação Sonora em Performances Musicais Eletroacústicas. Revista Sonora, 2015, Campinas, Brazil.